Thursday, March 29, 2012

10 Favorite Workouts

This morning, on my way to work, I saw a woman running .I noticed she had her very long hair completely down. No ponytail, no headband, no nothing. I thought to myself, how does she stand it? That would drive me crazy! Then I thought about how I like to wear my hair when I run (well, more like jog!). I MUST have my hair completely away from my face and completely off my neck. I'm just weird like that. Then I thought (funny how train of thought works sometimes) about my favorite exercises or ways to workout. Here are my top 10.

10. Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. I enjoy this DVD, but it is def intense.

9. Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds. My cable company has this 3 mile walk on-demand and I loved it for winter when it was too cold to leave the house.

8. Circuit Training with a Personal Trainer. I LOVE to strength train with a PT. They seem to be able to push you harder than you can push yourself. Plus, if you know someone is at the gym waiting on you it makes going to gym not suck so bad.

7. The Biggest Loser: Power Walk. This DVD is very similar to #9, but I think Bob Harper is super sexy. A great way to exercise at home.

6. Bootcamp. Kris and I did a 6 week bootcamp in Summer 2011. It totally kicked ass. I recommend attending a bootcamp class on the reg to anyone.

5. Jogging. Kris is a hardcore runner. Sometimes I like to go with him and hang back at a slower pace. It gets your heart rate up, but you don't feel like you're going to die.

4. Body by Bethenny. This yoga based DVD is great. It's only 40 minutes, so it is great if you don't have a lot of time. Plus, I just love her.

3. 10 Minute Solution Slim & Sculpt Pilates. I found this DVD at a local used bookstore a few years ago, and it has become one of my favs. It came with a Pilates Band, so you really feel the burn.

2. Barre Workouts. I attend a barre fitness class once a week, and I just love it! You sweat to death, you shake like a leaf, but you love every minute of it! I work a lot, so it is hard for me to get to more than one scheduled class a week, but if I could I would totally go more often. Try it, you'll be hooked.

1. Walking Outside. It's so simple, but an hour long walk at 4.0mph pace is my absolute favorite way to exercise. I usually go with a friend so it feels more like fun than a workout. It's free, you can do it almost anywhere. What's not to love?

Here's a pic of Kris and me after finished a half-marathon in 2009.

BTW, I've lost about 7 pounds in our 10 pound showdown. Only 3 (or 5!) more to go! We have 3.5 weeks left!

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